PUNARNAVA (மூக்கரட்டி சாரை)
மூக்கரட்டி சாரை ஒரு சக்திவாய்ந்த ஆயுர்வேத மருந்து, அபரிமிதமான ஆரோக்கிய நன்மைகளைக் கொண்டுள்ளது மற்றும் பல சுகாதார முரண்பாடுகளுக்கு சிகிச்சையளிப்பதில் பண்டைய காலங்களிலிருந்து பயன்பாட்டில் உள்ளது., மூக்கரட்டி சாரை அதாவது “உடலைப் புதுப்பிக்கும் அல்லது நிரப்பும் ஒன்று. ஒட்டுமொத்த தாவரமும் முடக்கு வாதம், காய்ச்சல், சிகிச்சையில் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது. இது சிறுநீர் ஓட்டத்தை அதிகரிக்கிறது மற்றும் சிறுநீர் கழிக்கும் போது எரியும் உணர்வு போன்ற சிறுநீர் பாதை நோய்த்தொற்றின் அறிகுறிகளை குறைக்கிறது.
Punarnava a potent ayurvedic medicine has immense health benefits and has been in use since ancient times in treating a host of health anomalies.punarnava which literally translates into “something that renews or replenishs the body .the plant as a whole is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis,fever,edema,eye problems,stomach issues and liver disorder.
Nutritional content of punarnava :
Punarnava is a treasure of nutrients like proteins,vitamin C,sodium,calcium,iron, and bioactive components like punarnavoside,serratagenic acid ,hypoxanthine 9-L Arabinofuranoside,boeravione A to F ,uric acid and oleanolic acid.
Key ingredients:
Boerhaavia diffusa.
Benefits for Punarnava Liver disorders?
Punarnava is used to revitalize and clean the liver. According to Ayurveda, when the liver is unable to perform well it also leads to an imbalance of Vata – Pitta-Kapha doshas. This might lead to liver diseases like jaundice. Taking Punanarva helps to correct the function of the liver by removing toxins from the liver cells. This is because of its Shodhan (purification) and Mutral (diuretic) properties. Punanarva also helps to improve digestive fire due to its Deepan (appetizer) property. It helps to digest the food easily and reduce the burden of liver.
Benefits for Punarnava Urinary Tract Infection?
Urinary Tract Infections are extremely common in women, although they can happen to men as well.Urinary tract infection is described under the broad term of Mutrakcchra in Ayurveda. Mutra means ooze, krichra means painful. Thus, dysuria and painful urination are called as Mutrakcchra. In urinary tract infection, Punarnava helps to control burning sensation because it has Mutral (diuretic) effect. It increases the urine flow and subsides the symptoms of UTI like burning sensation during urination.Punarnava herb can also be used to cure UTIs during pregnancy as it does not have any adverse effects on the mother or baby.
Benefits for Punarnava Obesity?
Punarnava is one of the most common herbs which is used to manage weight. An increase in the weight is due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle which leads to a weak digestive fire. This increases accumulation of Ama causing an imbalance in Meda dhatu and thus resulting in obesity. Punarnava is useful to control obesity as it helps improve metabolism and reduce Ama. This is because of its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. Punarnava also removes excess fluids and waste products from the body by increasing the urine flow due to its Mutral (diuretic) nature.
Benefits for Punarnava Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?
Punarnava helps to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis-like pain and swelling. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is known as Amavata in Ayurveda. Amavata is a disease in which vitiation of Vata dosha and accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) takes place in the joints. Amavata starts with a weak digestive fire which leads to accumulation of Ama. This Ama is carried to different locations through Vata but instead of being absorbed, it gets accumulated in the joints. Punarnava helps to correct digestive fire and reduce Ama due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also has Vata balancing and Mutral (diuretic) properties which gives relief from the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis like pain and swelling in the joints.
Avoid Punarnava or use only under medical supervision during breastfeeding.
Avoid Punarnava or use only under medical supervision during pregnancy.
side effects :
- There is a risk of increased blood pressure.
- Some peoples experience a burning sensation in their throat when the supplement is taken without food or water.
1.Take one capsule of triphala twice daily,preferably after meals or as directed by physician.
2.for better result, Swallow it with lukewarm water 1-2 times a day after taking food.
- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India.Part 1 Volume 1.
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Monali P, Ramtej V.Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhavia diffusa extract. International journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research. 2014;6(3):233-240